Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Bad News for News

El Pais, which I regard as the world's best newspaper, has just laid off 106 of its staff.
This is a devastating blow for the journalists involved, and gloomy news for me.
I had somehow thoughtlessly imagined that Pais was doing OK.
What I like about Pais is not only its appearance and content, but the fact that, if - for example - Neitzsche is mentioned in an article, it is assumed that the reader knows who he is, and doesn't need an explanation.

It seems the days of newspapers, that is news on paper, really are numbered. 
Information comes quicker, easier, and - above all - cheaper off the web.

Of course newspapers have no more right to survive indefinitely than did steam trains or typewriters.

But it is sad.

And how fortunate I was during my time.


FrereRabit said...

I have never heard El Pais described as the world´s best newspaper, and so I had to think about it for a moment. Only for a moment. I totally agree with you! I have given up on English newspapers and El Pais is certainly superior to any of the best.

Who is this Nietzsche character anyway? Is he in East Enders?

FrereRabit said...

I have never heard El Pais described as the world´s best newspaper, and so I had to think about it for a moment. Only for a moment. I totally agree with you! I have given up on English newspapers and El Pais is certainly superior to any of the best.

Who is this Nietzsche character anyway? Is he in East Enders?

Patrick O'Gara said...

Probably isn't the best paper Rabit. Just my favorite.
The NYT is utterly boring,the Guardian is lame, and The Telegraph is beyond hope. I'm wating for it to start charging, so I can stop looking at it.