Tuesday, 15 March 2011

God's Little Jest

"Did you feel the ground shift a bit just then, Eve? I shouldn't eat that Cox's Pippin if I were you. A snake just told me it's been genetically modified."
(The apple, that is, not the snake.)

Toad is still ruminating on the events in Japan. Who isnt?

It strikes him that God showed a keen sense of humour by adding tectonic plates to His creation and then calling it "The Firmament."

Were there earthquakes and tectonic shifts in the Garden of Eden, he wonders? If not, it all seems a bit like overkill for eating a measly little apple.

1 comment:

FrereRabit said...

"God showed a keen sense of humour by adding tectonic plates"

I think His keen sense of humour is demonstrated more by his daft idea of creating human beings.