Wednesday, 17 October 2012

As I was saying...

It is a year since I last blogged. Forgive me all, for I have sinned by omission. Although, to be sure,it might well seem more like an absolution to some. Anyroadup, for various reasons I am determined to open for business again on "Downhill." The main topics will be those shunned by all decent people, religion and politics, most likely. Among the reasons, one of the main ones in fact, is that I have recused myself from a blog called Catholicism Pure & Simple, where I was wont to bloviate at length on Miracles, The Veneration of The Sacred Nose of Saint Atheniastyasius, Transubstiation, The Seven Swords of Sin, Original Sin, Cardinal Sin, The Spanish Inquisition, Papal Infallibility, and the Corrosive Effects of Holy Water on The Forehead. Stuff like that. Nothing fancy. That was until a post on there about Fatima convinced me that the whole boiling of CP&S, very much including Toad*, might be better employed farting The Star Spangled Banner down the well in our front yard for all the good it was doing any of us. However I will provide a link to said blog ASAP, and expect to refer to it frequently. My comments on CP&S will appear here however. This is in order that I don't need to be over-polite as previously, and more that I don't hog the thing as I have done up til now. *For reasons too boring and arcane to go into here, (unless specifically requested,) I was known on there as "Toadspittle" although my CP&S friends familiarly called me "Toad." And despite these spendidly-stated intentions, I may just quickly relapse into my normalstate, commonly referred to in the medical profession as "torpidity." Still, today it rains, and a steady stream of hideously-poncho clad, hooded pilgs, looking like giant hunchback gnomes, limp dismally past me and the doggy brigade. The effect in the gloaming and drizzle is oddly and appropriately 14th Century somehow. Moreover, Reb is off for a few days on a work of great mercy. Your prayers are asked. And my big computer has got all its little cogs and wheels jammed up with cake crumbs and bits of Morcilla de Burgos and orange peel grape seeds and has quit on me. So I have to use Reb's for the time being, which is about the size of a biggish postcard. And which, with my poor old minces, is hard going. But still, we are off and running again. Pictures will soon be added. (I can't remember how to, so must wait for Reb) Mostly of dogs and cats. And maybe Frankel.If he wins.


Patrick O'Gara said...

Now I find I don't know how to get back into the post to make some edits. Doh!

The Raven (C. Corax) said...

And you spent all that time getting upset about Wordpress 'n' all.

Surely, on the subject of Earthquakes, you should be blaming the Quivering Brethren?

Patrick O'Gara said...

Goodness, you're right, Raven.
Can't even break this stuff up into paragraphes, let alone space it out. Come back Wordpress all is forgiven.etc.
Yes the Brethren are responsible for all earthly sin. Or so they say. Quite a burden.

Laura said...

Nice to have you blogging again...enlighten me.

Anonymous said...

Paddy, aka. Toad spittle...It is a bright addition to my day to once again read your prose. I married a recovery Catholic and we often discuss the impact that group has had on her, and by extension my, pyschy. Glad to know you and Reb are still kickin...

Patrick O'Gara said...

Good to hear from you too, David. Sorry about the presidential election though.

You know what I mean.

Cripes, What a relief not to have to handle that kind off stuff any more! And it's getting worse evey time.